All the fun of the fair + showmen stories book combo
by Hearts and Minds Media
All the fun of the fair + showmen stories book combo
A collection of open access material to highlight traveller communities and culture and the changing nature of the life, living and business of travelling in modern Britain. I hope to follow this with a comparison of travelling through the generations to highlight the dangers facing the life of a traveller today. J H 2017
Sections include :
Traveller culture and definition
About Traveller communities and education services
The impact of social isolation on Travellers’ perceptions of themselves - Including interviews
Aims for the Traveller Education Service
Behind the scenes with the UK's travelling showmen
Fairs and circus history (JISC, 2008))
Stories of showmen – Open source material
Goose Fair: The showmen's story
All the fun of the fair: Behind the scenes with the UK's travelling showmen
Research Proposal - Understanding traveller showmen: an inquiry about discrimination issues faced in modern society
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